Amanda Caldwell, from St. Thomas, Ontario, has been a practicing artist since 2006, working mainly in relief printmaking. She creates multi-colour landscapes that preserve the beauty of nature. She is a graduate from the University of Western Ontario with a B.Ed, an Honours BA and an Arts Management Diploma. She is a current member of The Art Emporium with a permanent display in the boathouse gallery, and has shown at many outdoor art festivals throughout southwestern Ontario, in local group shows, and in other galleries in St.Thomas, London, Woodstock and Brampton. Thanks to the Riverside Print Group, and Cambridge Galleries Print Studio she is able to continue printing.
Amanda's art is a process of deconstruction and reconstruction of landscape spaces. The design process divides the landscape into shapes but the printing process rebuilds the landscape through the layering of colour. This creates something familiar but precarious, as nature is, and comments on the beauty and destruction of natural spaces. For the artist, the printmaking process is symbolic: as many of these places are being destroyed, the art-making process allows her to put them back together, building them piece by piece. But there is always the moment of realization that the reconstruction is symbolic, and in reality all we have left are these reconstructed images and not reconstructed spaces.